Hinchley Wood Lodge 5809
The Lodge was consecrated by R. W. Lt. Col. H. A.
Mann, OBE, MC, the Provincial Grand Master.
The idea of founding a Lodge was conceived in 1937
by several Brethren residing in Hinchley Wood area. Between 1939 and 1943, three
of the original 18 petitioners had either died or withdrawn, however, another
group of Masons in Hinchley Wood area had also made an approach to Provicial
Grand Lodge to form a Lodge. With advice from Province and with the approval of
Grand Lodge, a supplemental petition with 13 Brethren was combined with the
original and enabled the consecration to proceed in 1943 with 28 petitioners. It
appears that the two groups of petitioners were formed largely of members of
Hinchley Wood Home Guard and Surbiton Golf Club.
The original plan to hold the consecration 2nd October 1939
but, following the declaration of war on 3rd September, Grand Lodge suspended
Masonic activities. By the time Masonic activity was resumed it was more than
three years later before circumstances permitted the consecration to proceed.
The Lodge was consecrated on Thursday 22nd July 1943.
The warrant
date is dated 7th June 1939.
The first Master was W.Bro. H. F.
Brooks, LGR.